a rentable babystroller for daily use and fun adventures
with Dominik Hüttich
prototype 1:3 concept CAD semesterprojekt
3D Print, Gravity Sektch, sewing, Fusion360In order to relieve the burden on expectant parents, “alpaka” is not just a rentable stroller, but also a concept for: quality, service and sustainability.
Become parents. That means I have to take care of my offspring before they even arrive. Inform, research and spend money, because a baby needs a lot! The stroller is essential and contributes to the big “material battle” surrounding the child’s needs. It is only used for a short time and therefore has to be produced cheaply. In order to achieve more quality and sustainability, we have focused on a rentable stroller. This allows us to work with high-quality materials, which make alpaca a long-lasting and sustainable product. The quality and hygiene of rental properties is particularly important to us. We focus on detachable connections between the textiles and the chassis. The rental property therefore remains hygienic and easy to repair. A stroller is considered a hygiene product, which is why we rent everything except the mattress. We give these to the parents for a lasting memory, because renting has to be fun to be convincing.